Abstract System: Cell as a System

Name:  Cell

Based on:  Living System

Abstract System: This system has been identified as an abstract system that cannot be implemented directly. The abstract system establishes a shared pattern of characteristics that any system can use to describe its unique characteristics when referenced in the 'based on' list above. These references are described using a generalization association in UML.

Building block of all living systems. The cell may also have a specific purpose when seen as part of a larger system: e.g. part of a plant, part of a heart, or brain, or nervous system. A Stem cell appears to be able to be re-purposed.

Systemic Measurable Variables

Systemic Capabilities or Functions

The cell generation, cell repair, cell perpetuation overall states and steps.

Metabolism, Self Organization, and specific properties associated with the larger system that it is a part (if it is a part of a larger system): Strength, Light to Oxygen, etc.

System States

Systemic Quality Properties

System Quantity Properties



The environment is where the energy and matter is provided for use in the cell. The environment is also the larger system that this cell may be a part which may cause relevant disturbances (e.g. structural coupling).

Waste is also output to the environment.

System Element: Identification

  • See Wikipedia Cell (Biology)
  • Cell Membrane system (including all membranes and their interaction), From Hidden Connections:
    • All nucleated cells, and even most bacteria, also have internal membranes. In textbooks, a plant or animal cell is usually pictured as a large disk, surrounded by the cell membrane and containing a number of smaller disks (the organelles), each surrounded by its own membrane.15 This picture is not really accurate. The cell does not contain several distinct membranes, but rather has one single, interconnected membrane system. This so-called “endomembrane system” is always in motion, wrapping itself around all the organelles and going out to the edge of the cell. It is a moving “conveyor belt” that is continually produced, broken down, and produced again.

  • Nucleic Acids (DNA, RNA),
  • Amino Acids (proteins, Enzymes),
  • Organelles,
  • Cell fluid,

System Element: Relationships

This section would probably relate to the picture on page 131 figure 7.1.??

The structural changes occur within a cell as a set of chemical reactions.

Configuration / Scenario:

Describes any configuration / scenario attributes for a specific system-of-interest. This may not be appropriate for all system descriptions (e.g. patterns or abstract systems).

Cyclical (Repeating / Regular) Processes

Routine operational processes to maintain the metabolism of the cell. These include:cell generation, cell repair, cell perpetuation.

Each process triggers a unique set of chemical reactions.

Development Life Cycle Processes

This includes the state changes within the cell: replicated, dying / death

This also includes any evolutionary changes: Random changes, Gene trading; symbiogenesis (Lynn Margulis)


The following references support this type of system-of-interest.