System-of-Interest Conceptual Model

For the latest information on System-of-Interest, please the following:

The latest system-of-interest diagram is shown below:

System-of-Interest Conceptual Model with relationship to System Description, Thing and Stakeholder

The following is an older view of a system-of-interest.

Older model of the System-of-Interest

A system-of-interest is a system that is under investigation or a focus of an architectural exploration. The system-of-interest may represent a single specific system or a class of systems. The set of stakeholders and their concerns also shape the investigation of the system-of-interest.

The system of interest is based upon the abstract system conceptual model. This ensures the consistency of each system-of-interest with the basic system description templates.

The architecture description and the system life cycle are two ways to describe the system-of-interest. The architecture description is created using an architecture description framework that is specific to a class of systems or a specific system-of-interest.

ISO 15288:2015: System-of-Interest: system whose life cycle is under consideration in the context of this International Standard. This enables all of the system live cycle processes that are identified in ISO 15288:2015 to be considered as part of the system life cycle of a designed physical system.