System: Human Activity System (HAS)

Name:  Human Activity System (HAS)

Based on:  Social System

The main difference between a social system and the Human Activity System (HAS) is that at least one member of the social network is a Person (Human Being). The capabilities of the Person (Human Being) significantly alter the communication within the social network. Human Beings also are able to create and use symbol systems.

Each specific type of Human Activity System (HAS) will have its own System Description. Key definitions and context are found in the Social System System Description

Abstract System: This system has been identified as an abstract system that cannot be implemented directly. The abstract system establishes a shared pattern of characteristics that any system can use to describe its unique characteristics when referenced in the 'based on' list above. These references are described using a generalization association in UML.

The purpose of a Human Activity System (HAS) depends upon the specific type of system. Some examples might be:

  • Provide a way for humans to live on Earth (Gaia)
  • Promote collaboration, creation, maintenance, etc.
  • Create community.

Systemic Measurable Variables

The emergent properties created or used through the interaction of the elements. This includes both desired and undesired.

Systemic Capabilities or Functions

Systemic Capabilities or Functions depend upon the specific type of Human Activity System (HAS). Some examples might be:

  • A place for a person to grow and develop
  • Households create / consume to live
  • Economic properties

System States

The various defined states that the system-of-interest can be in.

  • Architectural states
  • Transformational States
  • Operational States

The stakeholders of a Human Activity System (HAS) depend upon the specific type of system. Typically the classes of stakeholders are those who:

  • establish the needs and requirements of a System (Abstract)

  • architect and design a System (Abstract)

  • are members of the Human Activity System (HAS)

  • benefit from the System (Abstract)

The elements of the Environment for the Human Activity System (HAS) depends upon the specific type of system. At a minimum, the other types of system in the classification system will be present. These are:

  • Natural Systems provide the place for living and food supplies
  • Designed Physical Systems provide protection from environment, and productivity improvements.
  • Designed Abstract Systems provide beauty, arts and music capabilities. Also mental capabilities of books, etc.
  • Transcendental Systems provide areas to explore in our understanding of the world.

The Human Activity System (HAS) is a part of the Human Activity Habitat which is part of the Ecosystem where the system is located.

System Element: Identification

The members of the social network contain at least one Person (Human Being).

The social structures for human activity systems tend to be written to ensure a shared understanding. They do not need to be written.

The culture developed for the human activity system is created through communication to coordinate actions and behaviour.

Social System Types identifying Human Activity Systems

Each of the types of Human Activity Systems will have their own System Description unique to the specific type of Human Activity System (HAS).

Configuration / Scenario:

Describes any configuration / scenario attributes for a specific system-of-interest. This may not be appropriate for all system descriptions (e.g. patterns or abstract systems).

Cyclical (Repeating / Regular) Processes

Each system has regular patterns of renewal, maintenance, etc Some are annual, monthly or daily.

Development Life Cycle Processes

Human activity systems are created, maintained and released based upon the various developmental phases of the specific type of systems life cycle (e.g. government, enterprise, household, financial institution, communities, etc). Other governance activities may arise as each system is created and operated.
